Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The 1st movie

It was very interesting to see the beginings of the personal computers. The inventors, young interested white boys from middle-class families, were kind of unreal to me. But I can understand their desire and I believe that it is possible for those children to be ''in the thing''. Young children are very adaptable to new things and it is much more easy for them to learn new things.
Why nerds? I think that those people, ones who are interested in computers, are different. I do not mean generally. But it seems to me that these people do not fit into society and they try to find something to be good at. If somebody says a ''computer expert'', I always imagine a person with glasses and without communication abilities. In this case I see the computer as a friend who never leaves such people alone.
Another thing is the typical ''boy thing'' (it has to do lot with gender) to have a field which they are good at. This is not so important for girls, so this is maybe the reason why there were no girls involved. Another reason is that girls usually do not appear in the technological sphere.
I would like to look at this issue from the psychological aspect as well.

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